Europe is history...Japan is Past...This is where we have a new start |
I have always believed that we are a nation of great potential, talent, geography and certain amount of vision (and a sense to preserve ourselves as Pakistanis). True, we are plagued with corruption, poor management, illiteracy and poverty but who else is not? What we have is what America had a few hundred years back or Israel has today...A passion to be recognized and honored...Despite our ills, if we keep this urge alive, try to improve upon our strengths, reduce our malaise such as corruption and believe in democracy as system which slowly but surely empowers masses thereby weeding out what is bad....we may one day be the new power to reckon...Only us have what it took many other great nations to become great...Courage, Vision and Strategy
I was talking to a good friend of mine the other day and we hit upon a strange note...He said and I quote "We were always small and poor...Yet it was us to whom USA has always turned for help in all past 60 years, even till now...yet it is us to whom china turned when its survival was at stake....yet it was us to whom Russia turned when it needed an honorable exit...and yet it is us to whom every nation in the world turns when in crisis whether it be Iran, Saudia, Great Britain or even Israel". Why us if we are really that miserable, corrupt, poor piece of land with no potential? It is time to leave despondency and hopelessness and believe in ourselves...aptly called "The Game Changer"
Guernica / Pepe Escobar: China’s Pipelineistan “War”: Anteing Up, Betting, and Bluffing in the New Great Game
This was all that is about good in us...Tomorrow's blog entry, again from Guernica is about a sad aspect of our daily lives, The "Missing People of Pakistan"...Keep reading
I think that Pakistan never help china just for the sake of the china. Pakistan always look after its national interest. I feel that in this way the Pakistan will be able to deal with China more aggressively when has been reduced in the recent past few years.