Monday, August 2, 2010

How Microsoft is positioning itself in the age of cloud computing

How Microsoft is viewing things in 2014
 They say a picture is worth a thousand words and this picture meant much more to me than that. Quite simply: Global IT spending in 2014 will be a whopping 2.5 trillion. The traditional IT market share in this mammoth amphibious will be just 400 billion. Microsoft is gearing up to tap this market through cloud computing tools such as AZURE. So the question for us in Pakistan is very simple.....are we gonna let another train miss our station?????


Unknown said...

Yes now but hope for the best.

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Monday, August 2, 2010

How Microsoft is positioning itself in the age of cloud computing

How Microsoft is viewing things in 2014
 They say a picture is worth a thousand words and this picture meant much more to me than that. Quite simply: Global IT spending in 2014 will be a whopping 2.5 trillion. The traditional IT market share in this mammoth amphibious will be just 400 billion. Microsoft is gearing up to tap this market through cloud computing tools such as AZURE. So the question for us in Pakistan is very simple.....are we gonna let another train miss our station?????

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